December 10, 2022
December 10, 2022
Create And Deploy Smart Contracts With Hardhat Ethereum
Master smart contract creation on Ethereum using Hardhat, a powerful developer ecosystem designed to simplify blockchain-based projects and optimize automation for secure, efficient alternatives to centralized entities.
6 Steps To Create And Deploy Smart Contracts With Hardhat Ethereum Development Environment
Ethereum represents a multi-functional open-source platform. With its help, developers may easily create smart contracts for their blockchain-based projects. Such contracts enable the automation of many activities and may serve as a cheap, secure, and efficient alternative to centralized entities.
If you are new to blockchain and want to create your first smart contract, this guide is for you. We will show how to create a simple smart contract with the help of the Hardhat Ethereum ecosystem for developers.
What Do You Need To Know Before You Begin
You don’t have to be a PRO developer with years of experience to start. Yes, if you have zero coding experience with creating a smart contract it may seem a difficult task. Yet, it’s not as complicated if you have clear guidance at hand. With our step-by-step instructions, even a total newbie will be able to create and deploy a smart contract.
Programming does not consist of pure coding. One should deploy many other elements of an ecosystem in order to be able to create a decent piece of code. Luckily, you don’t have to create it all from scratch. Developers rely on numerous libraries and environments with items available out of the box.
When it comes to coding on Ethereum, Hardhat is a good option. This Ethereum development environment offers various tools, plugins, and helpful documentation. In this tutorial, we will use mostly this platform.
Let’s get started!
Step 1. Set up the environment for smart contract creation
Ethereum tools and libraries mostly utilize the programing language JavaScript. Hardhat is not an exception to this rule. Besides, you don’t need to write the whole code from scratch since there are many frameworks created to facilitate your life.
One of the most popular Javascript frameworks is Node.js which works best with Chrome’s V8 Javascript engine. Paste the following command into your command line interface in order to install Node.js.
If you use macOS in your daily work, make sure that you have git installed on it first. If you don’t have it, check this guide from Atlassian.
With macOS, it is possible to install Node.js in many different ways. For the sake of simplicity, we will rely on Node Version Manager. Paste the following commands to your CLI:
This operating system fits end-users best and doesn’t offer much help to developers. Yet, if this is the OS of your choice, we recommend using Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL).
First, follow this guide from Microsoft to install git on WSL.
Next, check one more guide on how to install Node.js.
Step 2. Create a new project
Once the environment is ready, you can install Hardhat in it. There are many ways to do that. The most simple approach is to use a Node.js package manager (npm). It also serves as an online repository where you may store and view your code.
If you have successfully completed the previous step, you must already have npm 7 at hand. You can use this version or higher for your future reference. Create a new folder via the CLI:
After that, initialize an npm project by typing npm init.
To install Hardhat use the following command: npm install –save-dev hardhat.
Next, enter the directory where you’ve installed Hardhat. Type this line: npx hardhat.
Finally, select Create an empty hardhat.config.js in the menu and click enter.
Congrats, your first project on Hardhat is ready! Note that the file hardhat.config.js is what Hardhat looks for in the first place upon the launch. This file contains all your work and is usually accessible in the root of your project.
Step 3. Write and compile a smart contract
Now let’s create a simple smart contract operating with tokens. No worries, we won’t dive into the depths of Solidity programming so as not to complicate things further. Yet, there are some aspects of the code that you should be aware of.
The maximum token supply will be limited to 1 million items. All of them will be minted within a single address that deploys the contract. Also, the tokens will not be divisible. This means that you will be able to transfer 1, 2, or 10, but not 3.5 tokens at a time. Finally, for the sake of simplicity, these tokens will not comply with the ERC-20 standard.
Once the code is ready, you will need to compile it by typing a simple command: npx hardhat compile. That’s it, the code is finished.
Step 4. Test contract
Testing the contract is an absolute ‘must’ to ensure its security. Make sure to prepare automated tests for your smart contract before its release so as to protect the funds of your customers. Hardhat comes with its own local Ethereum network created specifically for this purpose. It has built-in Hardhat functionality and doesn’t require any additional setup.
In our tests, we are going to use the Mocha framework as the test runner.
Also, we will rely on the library Ether.js. It will help us operate with the Ethereum contract that we created earlier.
First, create a new test directory inside the root of our project. Then, create a file there named Token.js. Move on with the following piece of code:
Launch the following command in the terminal: npx hardhat test. Here’s what you should get:
This will mean that you have accomplished the test successfully. Now let’s take a closer look at each line of the code.
- const [owner] = await ethers.getSigners();
With ethers.js, a Signer is an Ethereum account that can send assets to other accounts and contracts. This line calls the list of accounts within the Hardhat Network. We will need only the first one of them. You can check additional documentation to learn more.
Next, ethers is a common variable used within the Ethereum network. For the sake of the code clarity, you may also add the following line at the beginning:
const { ethers } = require(“hardhat”);
- const Token = await ethers.getContractFactory(“Token”);
In ethers.js, ContractFactory represents an abstract object that helps to deploy smart contracts. Therefore, Token is a factory of instances of our contract.
- const hardhatToken = await Token.deploy();
This command serves to initiate the deployment. As a result, we get another object with Promise that refers to a Contract. This object comes with a method for each of the functions within your smart contract.
- const ownerBalance = await hardhatToken.balanceOf(owner.address);
Once the deployment is complete, we can call our contract methods on hardhatToken and get the balance of the account’s owner.
- expect(await hardhatToken.totalSupply()).to.equal(ownerBalance);
Here we call a smart contract function again with the help of the Contract instance. In return, we get the size of the total supply and make sure that it equals the ownerBalance.
Note that we rely on another JavaScript library Chai. In particular, we use the functions called “matchers” from the plugin @nomicfoundation/hardhat-chai-matchers. This plugin enriches Chai with various matchers that are handy in smart contract tests.
Step 5. Debug with Hardhat Network
The Hardhat Network allows not only to write smart contracts. Also, it can help you debug your code. The process is just as simple as everything we’ve already discussed above.
There is another useful command console.log(). It helps to print logging messages and contract variables while running smart contracts. To make use of it, you will need to import it first:
Next, launch the transfer() function and add some console.log calls to it as you would do in JavaScript. Check the documentation to learn more about this function.
Here’s the logging output you will get when you launch the tests:
Step 6. Deploy to a live network
Assume you have successfully completed the tests and debugged the code. Now your smart contract is ready to go live on the Ethereum network. If you want to launch it for testing purposes only, you don’t have to release it right on the mainnet. Ethereum provides its own subnetworks for the tests such as Goerli and Sepolia.
What’s more, you can get some dummy ethers there so as not to spend real money. We’ll be using the test network Goerli at this stage. Note that from the software perspective, there are no differences between deploying the code to the mainnet and to the testnet. Testnets offer the same functionality as the mainnet does.
To deploy the code, create a new directory script within the root of your project. Next, create a file deploy.js in that directory. Open this file and paste the following:
Use the –network parameter so as to tell Hardhat which network you need to launch the task:
In fact, using this parameter in our current configuration is crucial. Without it, the code will simply launch against an embedded instance of the Hardhat network. Still, it’s useful to run the test to make sure that the code works properly:
How to deploy code to a remote network
Now let’s deploy the smart contract using the network parameter. This will help you to launch your code on any other remote network including the mainnet. In the example below, we will be deploying the Goerli network:
As you may have noticed, the URL in the code above points to the Ethereum node Alchemy. Yet, you may use any other node.
For the Goerli network, you will also need to grab some dummy ethers before the deployment. There are many different faucets where you can obtain them. Below, you can find the link to those that work with Goerli in particular. Don’t forget to switch to the relevant network in Metamask before you do that.
Finish the deployment by running the following command. If you have done everything correctly you will see the address of the contract after that:
Closing thoughts
Congrats on submitting your first smart contract on Ethereum! As you may see, it is not as difficult as it may seem at the beginning. Of course, some prior knowledge of coding would be preferable. But it is not a disaster if you don’t have relevant experience.
Are smart contracts legal?
No, they are still not legal tender in any country. Although they have really made a splash a few years ago, their legalization is still questionable. Yet, they may be useful when it comes to the automation of payments.
How much does it cost to create a smart contract?
The price depends on the complexity of the contract. Developers charge $300-$500 for simple contracts similar to the one we created in this article. The price for those with the most complicated logic may reach $2,000 per contract.
What programming language is a smart contract written in?
Smart contracts on Ethereum are written in Solidity.